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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hey! Your Emu is running down the road.

June 2024

 One of the Emus was let out oh her enclose, I later learned it was by the cows. At about 2 or 2:30 am there was knock on my door, in my dream state I did not respond very quick then the cow bell hanging on the door rang out with a yell of "your Emu is running down the road" . Now I roll/jumped out of bed and stumbled down the hall. I was confused because mine are in their enclose. My neighbor was on their way home from a night on the town and after getting off the ferry they spotted an Emu running down ferry road. They new I was most likely the only one on the island with them. I grabbed a flash light and my neighbor and I headed to the pasture. I discovered the door wide open and Emus gone. I was then greeted by the cows and Elliott all excited to see me. My heart sank as I was combing the pasture with my pocket size flash light to see if I could see them. I found one running around so off we went to run the roads looking for the other Emu. We all gave up at around 3:30 am and I went home to bed.

A little past 6 am came the second knock at the door. In my sleepy stupor again made my way down the hall bouncing off the walls all the way. One of the ferry crew members came to let me know the Emu was down close to the ferry running the road. I jumped in the car and off I went. I seen tail lights up ahead of me that was driving like he was following my Emu. I caught up to the guy at the ferry and the he told me the Emu ran down a dirt road not far back. By the time I got turned around and headed back the Emu was back on ferry road headed back toward my road. She seemed really tired and confused. I drove behind her as she walked back. She would stop to check things out as she moved along at a snail pace. Being so early on Saturday morning we only encountered 2 car that were headed to the ferry and with some flashing head lights and driving in the middle of the road they they stopped and waited till we passed. All was going slow but good but my worry was how I was going to get her to turn left on my road. A few slow mo donuts at the 4 corners and going the wrong way a few times we got around the corner. She had to check out a couple of neighbors yards before we got home. When she saw the other Emu she stopped and made it into the yard.
Getting her into the pasture without getting my ass kicked was a whole different story, she went to the fence where the other Emu was and laid down by the fence next to him. I needed coffee and a rest before tackling getting her in the pasture.
After a break and coffee I went out to see if I could get her in the pasture. I tried food no luck, she loves to be showered with the hose but that didn't work either. All I did was make her move around the outside of the pasture. I was afraid she would take off again so I left her alone to destress. Another cup of coffee later it started to rain. I found her laying in the woods. My attempt to get her in the pasture with all the other critters out there was not going to happen. I opened the gate to the back yard and tricked her in there. Shut and locked her in .
The rain lasted till the next morning. I had a good night's sleep and rain over I had to move her. I knew it was going to be painful as she would kick my ass.
Well the murderous attempt on my life was over. The Emu is now in the pasture where she belongs with her besty.. We both survived the ordeal. It only took 2 band-aids, 2 Ibuprofen, an ice pack and a lot of Bengay rub. Oh and Benadryl spray, as the Emu is kicking my ass the mosquitoes were eating me. The Emu suffered some feather loss and scrapes. Mostly it was her dignity that suffered the most as she was drug across the yard with those murdering feet hog tied. She most likely will hate me till the end of time. LOL 😂

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