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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Ghost Story 5.31.2024

 STORY TIME 5.31.24

I sleep with my head right on the window sill, (that's a story for another time.) Last night I had the window open even though it was kind of cold. I was in a dead sleep when I woke to the sound of someone walking on the gravel of the driveway. I turned my head and stuck my face up to the screen trying to focus my eyes to see who was walking down my drive. The moon had not come up yet so focusing through the screen without my glasses and in the dark was difficult to say the least. Now I am getting nervous when a white figure started to come into view. WTF I didn't know if I should run or scream. My very skeptical mind is saying no such thing as ghost but WTF. The figure finally came into full view as the cow approached my window. Are you fucking kidding me, what the hell are you doing out. I glanced at clock reading 2:30. I stumbled around in the dark getting my shoes on. Grabbed a little flash light and went out to find the 2 cows and Elliott just eating grass. It was a colossal cluster Fuck to get these guys back in the pasture. It took the golf cart, a halter and tiny hand held flashlight to get the job done . Riding around in the golf cart and running in the wet grass I was froze chasing the damn critters as they where throwing a huge tantrum. The noise we were making I'm sure the whole Island heard us. Now that's a couple hours of sleep I will never get back.

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