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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Bring on the Dragon fly's

     We have had a very wet last 10 months. There was a few weeks in the winter that was frozen mud but the rest of the time it has been mud. I'm talking boot sucking mud. The kind that if you are not hanging on to something your going down. I have had intimate looks at my pasture and total coverage of said pasture. Getting in my mouth as I was cussing was the worst. 

    With all this wetness it has brought out the biggest mosquitos and in Swarms. Now that it is Spring, early summer the flies have moved in to add an extra layer of annoyance.  Some days I think a blood transfusion is in order just to keep going. Lets talk horse flies that drive their blood sucking spike straight to the bone upon their landing on you.     

    Now living near water does not help with this problem. But it does give us the Dragon Flies that do a great job at consuming thousands of these blood sucking devils. 

    This year seemed to be late for the hatch of dragon flies.  My days would start with my pray for Dragon flies or hurricane winds to get the swarms of blood suckers to stay away while I did chores and to not loose my boots in the mud. Then I would come in and take a shower to get mud off and splash on Benadryl  spray. 


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