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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Something is out there!!!!

    I have had problems in the last 2 years with foxes thinking that I am the local KFC.  Now they hunt during the day when the chickens are out and about. Running the woods, road and fields looking for yummy bugs and what ever they can scratch up. It is mainly during the Spring when the pups are born. The slaughter of my chickens starts to taper off late summer and then stops till the next spring. 

    Now the fact that they are taking my chickens just pisses me off but they always take the ones I like the best. Every night I count the chickens after they return to the coop and that is when I know if Mr. fox has been around.  I have on occasion been out side when the little bastard come in the yard and been able to chase him off. Then a couple of times I came out just in time to see my dead chicken been hauled off through the woods.

    I wine about this problem often till one of my friends gave me a motion activated animal deterrent post that is solar powered. Now it has different sounds that can be used. I thought the sound of dogs barking and a shot gun going off  would work the best. Now I still don't know if this thing works or my fox problem has tapered off for the year.  But the one thing I can say is it has become very annoying as the chicken hang out in the back and the damn thing just barks and shoots all day long.  

    I find myself trying to ignore as much as possible. I do play my TV louder these days. I tied shooing the chicken out front but they go right back in the woods behind the house. I guess they like that sounds. 

    A few weeks ago I put up all the animals for the night and went in to watch TV. It was getting late and I though a snack before bed was in order so out to the kitchen I went only to see I left the light in the garage on. I put on my shoes and went out to turn it off.  I got half way between the garage and house the the damn animal deterrent thing went off. Now there is nothing more unsettling in the middle of the night than to here that thing go off and all the animals are locked in the barns. I felt like I was naked in the middle of a room full of people. I did not know if I should run or just freeze. Run Hell, which way do I run. So I froze and started to yell, get the hell out of here.  When the noise stopped I moved slowly toward the house.  When I got inside I stayed there and that damn garage light stayed on all night. I don't scare to easily but when my Spidey senses kick in I can get unglued. I watch too much TV.